nedjelja, 22. srpnja 2012.

Balloon Box Fitness - in development

 New app Balloon Box Fitness - in Development

Balloon Box Fitness is new workout system developed to be fun and simple. In short time it will increase your physical and mental capabilities, physical looks and improve your self defense capabilities.
You don't need complicated or expensive equipment to train balloon box fitness system, only minimum of space and of your time.
It is equally useful for recreational purposes as well to experienced athletes looking to improve their skills. It also can be used by children as a playground in which they will increase their motor skills.
Is is a combination of boxing techniques, self defense and fitness. Use of helium filled balloon it simulates natural movement of opponent in space and gives you a chance to develop your speed, explosive movements, flexibility and coordination.
Though freestyle training is greatly encouraged we have incorporated training rounds into this app to give you perfect examples how to use this system.
Since free movement is base of this system you will gain higher consciousness of your surroundings which will be noticeable in your day to day life, in your private and business decisions needing lightning quick speed.

You will get:
* Detailed view of every punch and kick used here (short movies with explanations)
* Three Complete Rounds - each is about 4 minutes long (they are to give a good starting point for your freestyle training - which is what you should strive for)


četvrtak, 12. srpnja 2012.

Stevia Sweetner - Sweet without Harm

If you have ever read anything on subject of healthy nutrition then you know that there most of the stuff is debatable. One author says this another something different, but there is one truth that no one can dispute (ok some lunatic can, but he would be barking mad) and that is that sugar is bad or more accurately that raising insulin levels is bad for your health.

Sure you raise your insulin levels whenever eating a piece of fruit or vegetable, but problem is in bagels, table sugar, soft drinks, they all raise insulin levels too much, way too much.
So if you all know this but still love your coffee sweet and can't hack bitter taste, or like cakes which by definition must be sweet otherwise they taste like well sh..t, you should try Stevia based sweeteners.

Stevia is a plant which mostly grows in tropical regions and is used to produce sweetener that is 300 times more sweet than table sugar but contains nothing that will elevate your insulin levels, in other words it is diabetic safe and good even if you wan't to reduce weight or just care for your health.
You can use it instead of sugar in your coffee, or in making cakes, just be careful since it is 300 times more powerful than sugar, only small quantities are needed, you don't want't your coffee too sweet :).

I have recently bought my stevia sweetener from manufacturer Kal and I am loving it/

Here are some excerpts from wikipedia.
In relation to diabetes, studies have shown stevia to have a revitalizing effect on β-cells of pancreas,[10] improve insulin sensitivity in rats,[50] and possibly even to promote additional insulin production,[51] helping to reverse diabetes and metabolic syndrome.[52] Stevia consumed before meals significantly reduced postprandial insulin levels compared to bothaspartame and sucrose.[53] A 2011 review study concluded that stevia sweeteners would likely benefit diabetic patients

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