četvrtak, 24. veljače 2011.

Fructose bad or good?

Fructose is most heavily industry used sweetener in world, but is it good for you? Answer is simple NO.
Stay away from fructose it is simple as that.

There are many drinks marketed as low glycemic index (it does not elevate levels of blood sugar, which in return does not raise levels of powerful hormone insuline, and it does not make you fat, or at least that is way it is marketed) drinks, loaded with fructose, truth is quite opposite.
Fructose can actually lead to insulin disfunction and to type 2 diabetes.
It can also (and it does) lead to higher LDL, VLDL (toxic fat) levels in blood, which could lead to heart attack.

Fructose gets its name from natural source of it, fruits. While fruits have fructose it is not the same that you will get in soft drinks. Why?, because fruit is loaded with enzymes that will help your body to use fructose properly and digest it in right way, while industry made corn starch fructose is deprived of any kind of enzymes and vitamines that are needed for body to use fructose properly.

Fructose in self makes you high level of bad cholesterol, without much needed enzymes you will end up with clogged veins and arteries.

So in conclusion what should you be aware:
  avoid industry made corn starch fructose that is present in most soft drinks, and many other products, just start to read labels on products and if you see fructose, avoid it or consume in moderation, you are better off without fructose if you care about health in particular about diabates and heart health.
Even if you don't care about health if you care about your looks fructose can make you and will make you fat.

srijeda, 9. veljače 2011.

Lose weight, do you really need 8 small meals

If you talked to some personal trainers or seen some footage on pro bodybuilders and that they eat 8 times a day, and you also think that you should eat 6-8 small meals throughout the whole day, well...

I can say at the start that you don't need that, all you ever going to need is total calories amount, if you eat less then you spend on activities during the day, you will lose weight and vice versa, if you eat more that your body needs you will gain weight.
So why do bodybuilders eat 6-8 meals, well they are pretty big you try to eat that much food in 2-3 meals during the day you would be gasping for air after your meal, in this way they insure that they are still able to do what they need.
There is also a theory that if you eat more small meals that you spend more calories on digestion, you can forget about that, there is not much logic in that, your digestion works 24 hour a day, if you eat large quantity you need more energy to digest that much food, if you just spread that quantity of food during the day you need just the same amount of energy do digest it, it is still same amount of energy.

What you should be more careful about when you eat, you should go more for healthier food, and that means more unprocessed food, fresh food, basic rules should be consume less carbs and more protein and fiber. By that I mean cut on potato, bakery products, chocolate, milk shakes, and eat more fish, fresh meat, eggs even soy would be better than sugar loaded products, also go for fresh vegetables and fruits.
One more tip, to ensure that fruits will digest well always consume them first so they would pass freely trough digestion.

petak, 4. veljače 2011.

Natural and Cheap Wart Remedy, how to remove warts with Thyme oil

Warts are unpleasant growths on skin that can cause irritation or just disfigure skin and doo not look nice :).

Well if you want to remove them there are various ways, you can purchase in drug store various freeze the wart do it your self kits, but their they can be or sometimes aren't effective, you could pay for a small surgery that would cost and possibly live a scar.

Natural and really cheap way is Thyme (latin Thymus vulgaris, croatian Timijan) oil, you can purchase it over internet or you could find it in aromatic oil shops.

You can just place small amount of oil on your fingertip and rub Thyme oil on wart, do it once or twice daily and you will see results in one or two weeks, just continue to use it until warts are gone. Bit of caution on Thyme oil, it can cause irritation to skin, redness, usually when you treat warts it will cause real burning sensation, but don't be alarmed it is just temporary and you must endure a bit of pain, but results will follow. Skin can harden on those places but that is just epidermal layer of skin, you will remove it after some time, and just continue to use Thyme oil.

Well certainly it is not for everyone, and some people would mind burning sensation, but you could also use smaller amounts of oil and it will burn less, maybe it will prolong wart removal time, but it will be also effective.

This kind of wart removal will cost you about 7 USD and it is really cheap and natural.

Other thing that is very important is your nutrition, since wart is basically virus infection, you should lower your intake of bad carbohydrate (bread, pasta, sugar) and eat a lot more fruits and vegetables to improve your immune system.

Well all of this is only for information you should consult a physician or medical expert.