Warts are unpleasant growths on skin that can cause irritation or just disfigure skin and doo not look nice :).
Well if you want to remove them there are various ways, you can purchase in drug store various freeze the wart do it your self kits, but their they can be or sometimes aren't effective, you could pay for a small surgery that would cost and possibly live a scar.
Natural and really cheap way is Thyme (latin Thymus vulgaris, croatian Timijan) oil, you can purchase it over internet or you could find it in aromatic oil shops.
You can just place small amount of oil on your fingertip and rub Thyme oil on wart, do it once or twice daily and you will see results in one or two weeks, just continue to use it until warts are gone. Bit of caution on Thyme oil, it can cause irritation to skin, redness, usually when you treat warts it will cause real burning sensation, but don't be alarmed it is just temporary and you must endure a bit of pain, but results will follow. Skin can harden on those places but that is just epidermal layer of skin, you will remove it after some time, and just continue to use Thyme oil.
Well certainly it is not for everyone, and some people would mind burning sensation, but you could also use smaller amounts of oil and it will burn less, maybe it will prolong wart removal time, but it will be also effective.
This kind of wart removal will cost you about 7 USD and it is really cheap and natural.
Other thing that is very important is your nutrition, since wart is basically virus infection, you should lower your intake of bad carbohydrate (bread, pasta, sugar) and eat a lot more fruits and vegetables to improve your immune system.
Well all of this is only for information you should consult a physician or medical expert.
I was skeptical but eventually became desperate enough to give it a try, after exhausting all other options I could think of and researched. The extract from this amazing and readily available herb works amazingly against all infections and viruses, and heals the skin very quickly. I struggled against a plantar wart for half a year, trying various remedies. It grew to the size of a thumb and I could barely walk. This oil ate it up in ten days flat. A friend tried it and said it cured his athletes foot within three days. It can cure cancer and seemingly any ailment. Word needs to get out about this.