subota, 22. listopada 2011.

Sungazing App

Sungazing application, helping to energize your body and soul.

Sungazing or Solara yoga is a method of using sun energy for health and as energy source for human body. We all know there is no life without sun, one of great benefits of sun is that it gives you vitamin D which is absolutely needed for strong immune system, healthy bones and as anti depressant.
It is known that during winter time when days are shorter and there is not much sun many people are very depressed, and during spring when sun starts to shine more mood in people is elevated. This can also be linked with vitamin D or its absence.

Sungazing was popularised by Hira Ratan Manek who lived solely from sun (and water) for more than 100 days under strict medical observation.
He says that sun is the source of purest food (energy) for humans, and you can learn more by visiting site:

Sungazing application helps you to monitor your progress in sungazing by timing you. It also gives you notifications about safe hours (safest time to sungaze, that is one hour after sunrise, and one hour before sunset).
Notifications can be simply turned off by using Options and turning off notifications.

By clicking on Options you get:
 Turn off/on Sungazing remainder for sunrise or sunset either turns on or off notifications.

 When you click start sungazing on main screen timer will come up, and after you have sungazed you just confirm it and your time will be stored and increased for 10 seconds for next sungazing.

These are example of option Sunrise/Sunset times on main screen, using your GPS it will give you complete list for next 30 days of sunrise/sunset times.

Happy sungazing!

Broj komentara: 10:

  1. Interesting app. The problem is the I'm watching for 36:40min. How do I change Time?

    1. Sorry for that, new update that will resolve this issue is on its way (it will take apple to approve it up to 2 weeks - sorry), options are from time when you had to purchase upgrade, whole app is free now

    2. To Change time of timer, you should go to options and than change "Set Timer Time", but until update comes you could have problems with that, once again I apologize.

  2. I was wondering if somebody already did an app for sungazing and i saw yours in the app store. I am verry happy to see apps like those, but i can't use it on my iPhone because it's a bit older. Are you making a support for older than iOS 5.1 versions?

    1. Currently not, I suppose that you have jailbroken iphone :)), but I will see what I can do about it.

    2. Issue resolved Sungazing now works on IOS 4.3 or later, hope you like it.
      Enjoy the Sun !

  3. I like your app. Have been using it for a while now. I live in Peru and in the mountains. Not always do I get to catch the sun - due to cloud coverage and such. I wonder if you could also include a log book where you can write when you have sungazed. That would be very helpful - with an option to back date it as far as you want. Gracias.

    1. Ok I will see what I can do, my time is consumed with new app but will try to include log book.

      If you can see even a bit of Sun through clouds it is enough for Sungazing!

  4. Buenos días,
    Les pediría que a ser posible hicieran la versión en español y revisaran i/o incorporaran estas opciones que les propongo para que sea más completa y útil la aplicación:
    - Que hubiera la opción de que te avise por la mañana cuando termina la hora de seguridad, siempre que estés con el sungazin en marcha cronometrando el tiempo.
    - Sería muy útil que incorporaran un reset, ya que ahora se hace cuando sales de esa pantalla y, eso es un inconveniente si estás interactuando con el Iphone.
    - Que se pudiera cambiar el sonido de los avisos.
    - Que te avisara una hora antes de la puesta del Sol.
    = No sé para qué sirve’ Maximum Time’?

    Good morning,
    I would ask that if possible, make the Spanish version and revise i / or incorporate these options that I propose to make it more complete and useful application:
    - That would have the option to notify you in the morning when the time ends up, you're always running the timing sungazin time.
    - It would be useful to incorporate a reset, because now is when you leave that screen and that's a problem if you are interacting with the iPhone.
    - That could change the sound of the ads.
    - They warn you about an hour before the setting sun
    = I do not know what it is 'Maximum Time'?

    1. Thank you for your comments. I will see what I can do about Spanish language!

      Notification about end of safe hours in the morning is a great suggestion, and I will implement it next month, as one update is already on its way.

      Maximum Time is time after which timer is no longer increased, if set to 45 minutes, then after successful sungazing session there wont be any increments in 10 seconds.

      Notification about one hour before sunset exists and you can find it under options, just turn it on!

      About Reset, you can reset timer just by clicking back, and if there is some time modification needed you can find it under Options!

      Muchas gracias por sus comentarios. Voy a ver qué puedo hacer al respecto idioma español!

      Notificación sobre el final de las horas seguras en la mañana es una gran sugerencia, y lo voy a poner en práctica el próximo mes, como una actualización ya está en camino.

      Tiempo máximo es el tiempo después de que el temporizador ya no aumenta, si se establece en 45 minutos, a continuación, después de la sesión sungazing éxito no habrá ningún incremento en 10 segundos.

      Notificación de aproximadamente una hora antes de la puesta del sol existe y usted lo puede encontrar en las opciones, sólo tiene que encender!

      Acerca de reinicio, puede restablecer el temporizador con sólo hacer clic de nuevo, y si hay alguna modificación tiempo que se necesita se puede encontrar en las opciones!
