subota, 22. listopada 2011.

Sungazing App

Sungazing application, helping to energize your body and soul.

Sungazing or Solara yoga is a method of using sun energy for health and as energy source for human body. We all know there is no life without sun, one of great benefits of sun is that it gives you vitamin D which is absolutely needed for strong immune system, healthy bones and as anti depressant.
It is known that during winter time when days are shorter and there is not much sun many people are very depressed, and during spring when sun starts to shine more mood in people is elevated. This can also be linked with vitamin D or its absence.

Sungazing was popularised by Hira Ratan Manek who lived solely from sun (and water) for more than 100 days under strict medical observation.
He says that sun is the source of purest food (energy) for humans, and you can learn more by visiting site:

Sungazing application helps you to monitor your progress in sungazing by timing you. It also gives you notifications about safe hours (safest time to sungaze, that is one hour after sunrise, and one hour before sunset).
Notifications can be simply turned off by using Options and turning off notifications.

By clicking on Options you get:
 Turn off/on Sungazing remainder for sunrise or sunset either turns on or off notifications.

 When you click start sungazing on main screen timer will come up, and after you have sungazed you just confirm it and your time will be stored and increased for 10 seconds for next sungazing.

These are example of option Sunrise/Sunset times on main screen, using your GPS it will give you complete list for next 30 days of sunrise/sunset times.

Happy sungazing!